(DEMETER) Development of adaptive pruning robots for sustainable viticulture through simulation empowered AI, robot learning and Intuitive TeleopeRation

“Development of adaptive pruning robots for sustainable viticulture through simulation empowered AI, robot learning and Intuitive Teleoperation (DEMETER)”, has been selected for the JST Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP).
In this project, research teams from Japan, France, and Germany will collaborate internationally to develop innovative robotic technologies for sustainable agriculture. Additionally, we aim to expand the applicability of robot learning and teleoperation technologies across various fields.
Project Overview
Japanese: シミュレーションと直感的遠隔操作を活用したロボット学習による持続可能なブドウ栽培のための適応型剪定ロボット基盤の創成 English: DEMETER Development of adaptive pruning robots for sustainable viticulture through simulation empowered AI, robot learning and Intuitive Teleoperation
Research Objectives:
This project focuses on:
- Robot learning using teleoperation technology and differentiable simulation
- Tactile sensing technology and hardware design for manipulating deformable objects
- Optimization of environmental perception and task planning using foundation models
(For details on the research team, please refer to the diagram.)
Call for Students
We are looking for students who are interested in working on this project in collaboration with international research teams from Germany and France.
We welcome students with an interest in:
Robotics Teleoperation Foundation models Machine learning Simulation Tactile sensing Deformable object manipulation
If you are eager to participate in international collaborative research and explore cutting-edge technologies, we encourage you to apply!
For inquiries, please feel free to contact: yaonan.zhu@weblab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp