Our team is awarded in RoboCup Japan Open 2020

Our team is awarded in RoboCup Japan Open 2020

Our home-robot development team “Team Weblab” won the first place (technical challenge) in Robocup Japan Open @home 2020.

“Team Weblab” (home robot system development team) won the first place (technical challenge) at Domestic Standard Platform League (DSPL) in Robocup Japan Open @home 2020. The team also won the runner-up for overall score.

The video archive of the competition is available on YouTube channel of RoboCup Japanese Regional Committee.

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
Tatsuya Matsushima
Tatsuya Matsushima
Project Researcher

My research interests include robot learning, robot system, and XR.

Jumpei Arima
Jumpei Arima

I am an engineer working for a motor company in Japan.

Yuki Okita
Yuki Okita

I’m interested in mathematical optimization and machine learning. Especially I’m researching on theoretical aspects of them, but I’m also studying about its application such as ones on robots.

Toshiki Aoki
Toshiki Aoki

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.

Yuya Ikeda
Yuya Ikeda
Master’s Student
Yusuke Iwasawa
Yusuke Iwasawa
Associate professor
Human Support Robot