Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models : Open X-Embodiment Collaboration

GenDOM: Generalizable One-shot Deformable Object Manipulation with Parameter-Aware Policy

Due to the inherent uncertainty in their deformability during motion, previous methods in deformable object manipulation, such as rope and cloth, often required hundreds of real-world demonstrations to train a manipulation policy for each object, …

Self-Recovery Prompting: Promptable General Purpose Service Robot System with Foundation Models and Self-Recovery

A general-purpose service robot (GPSR), which can execute diverse tasks in various environments, requires a system with high generalizability and adaptability to tasks and environments. In this paper, we first developed a top-level GPSR system for …

Policy Information Capacity: Information-Theoretic Measure for Task Complexity in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Progress in deep reinforcement learning (RL) research is largely enabled by benchmark task environments. However, analyzing the nature of those environments is often overlooked. In particular, we still do not have agreeable ways to measure the …

Deployment-Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Model-Based Offline Optimization

We propose a novel method that achieves both high sample-efficiency in offline RL and "deployment-efficiency" in online RL.

Co-adaptation of algorithmic and implementational innovations in inference-based deep reinforcement learning

Recently many algorithms were devised for reinforcement learning (RL) with function approximation. While they have clear algorithmic distinctions, they also have many implementation differences that are algorithm-independent and sometimes …